girl loves friday.

although I don't really get to enjoy the holiday weekend as I will be traveling to Arkensas for business.
i'm really not looking forward to the long plane ride but I've got my book and borrowing my coworker's Bose headphones. that should get me through the hard parts of traveling.
(thanks Deanna for the recommended read.)

girl loves:

Old school toys. (oh dee doh)

2010-08-basicfun1_rect540Cool shop name. (Garance Dore)
I've always wanted to own my own little flower shop. still do.
Flower-girl-2 umm...yeah...girl loves cute kittens. even though girl is alergic to kittens. (artpixie)
**the chicken apple goat cheese salad I'm about to chow down on. 
**driving to get lunch with the window rolled down, enjoying the fall sun and breeze.
**peach freezes. delish.
**studio calico everything.

happy friday!