girl loves friday!

Especially the friday that kicks off my birthday weekend! Hola!
Not to mention I will be taking Monday off as well.
I will not be kicking and screaming when midnight of the 28th hits and I officially become 32.
I'm actually welcoming it. Not that I don't miss some aspects of being in my 20's.
I just find I can handle certain things a whole lot better now.
Things roll off my back a easier.
I'm more confident in the decisions I make.
I'm accepting of who I am, what I look like (thighs and all) and more importantly, accepting of those around me.
I love and appreciate life and loved ones so much more.

I don't really have a long list of things I want to accomplish in my 32 year.
My list is simple and is constant.
Learn new things. Better my photography business. Streamline my mornings.
Become a quality person, inspired by this blog post. This quote will be stuck with me throughout the year.
"Life is to be lived well in whatever circumstance we find ourselves.  There should be no waiting period."

That said, onto to girl loves

+++lost camera. (this guy cracks me up)

because I did think I knew it all in my 20's. (via Design is Mine)
LOVING off the shoulder sweatshirts and tess. (via Garance)
Carved crayons. (found here.)
How to Make it in America. love the cast. love the show.
April's Studio Calico kit! Going live midnight of the 27th!
Sneak4Sneak3 20100322_1864 
Iphone sunflare.
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Happy Friday!