Last Call Winner

Please email me at to claim your prize! (a just realized readers cannot see the date and time. apologies as I see there are a few jenny's. the winners blog is...
Thanks everyone for your comments! It was nice reading about your favorite summer events and traditions. Can you believe it's July 1st?! Nuts. I wish we could just slow it down a bit. Summer is going by entirely too fast. And now the school supplies are up at Target. That would annoy me if I were a kid. Still, I had to stroll the aisles to check out the new binders and pencils all displayed neatly in rows. (geek) Happy to report that nothing school supply related made it in the basket. Neither did the cool chevron patterned pillow or the million other uber cool designed items Target stocks.  I actually walked out of there with the few necessities written on my post it. Kind of proud of myself. :)