Last Day

Only 1 more day to register for 1000 Words: Capture More. I just created several templates to help printing photos easier at home and a few printable pdfs of some fun things. Also, don't forget there will be a private message board so we can all share our photos, thoughts and questions. Hope to see you there October 1st. XOT

milestones via polaroid

I've been sifting through my Polaroids taken from the past few years. My mind is flooded with memories. These photos are more treasured than all my digital photos combined. The Polaroids I take are special because the 600 film I use to use and love no longer exists. Yes, I know you can still purchase it on Ebay for nothing less than a mortgage payment. Maybe slightly less but still. I find it ridiculous and it takes away my love of the whole instant photo experience. I have yet to try the newer versions of Polaroid film. Not sure why I haven't...I'm on my very last pack of 600. Guess I should order some soon.  Or maybe I'll just retire my SX-70. Who knows. But for now, I'm enjoying these.  1. I really love my old cameras and the history they hold. Some are from family members, some picked up from garage sales. 2. I use to buy myself a lot of flowers. I loved having them every where in my home. In the kitchen, next to my bed. I love waking up to fresh flowers simply arranged in a pretty vase on a clean vanity.  It was one of those things I did for myself when I was going through the whole infertility thing. Helped a lot. 3. This was a good birthday. I can't remember which one...I think it was my 30th. or 31st. One of those. 4. I love this one. My first few things I had gotten when I was pregnant with Tyler. The quilt is used quite often. The elephant he cannot sleep without. 5. This was a tough day. I remember it clearly. 6. My old sweet bear. Her soul still lingers in our home.

And this one...this one hurts. This was taken near her passing. She spent the last few months in our bedroom where she would lay on the floor next to the french doors. The sun pours through the windows most of the day. She soaked in the warmth while lying on a massive dog pillow and a comforter for added softness. Miss my girl.
