honest to blog?

it's exactly 8:10pm, Tuesday and I'm watching Juno for the 4th time. Not because it's cool but it's on and I'm not into anything else. I consider Juno to be a good movie as background noise for when I'm patiently waiting for a page to load on my ever slow laptop or finally deciding I might have something interesting to voice on my blog.
My hibernation week went by fast and I'm glad I took the time off work. I needed time away from my office. I was feeling a bit drone-like there for awhile. Bad thing is, after my 2 day back, I'm still feeling like a drone. A little office drone.


9:16am, Thursday at work. I don't know if this post is meant to be but I'm going on day 3 of trying to get just 1 entry done. I began to type again last night but my lovely laptop froze up on me for the umpteenth time. I think I need to just take it in and have it cleaned up. also must learn to save a draft.
I ended my last post because I felt as though is was headed towards the negative side of things. I'm all about honesty and would normally just blurt out my thoughts, good or bad but I don't always want things to sound so dramatic. I simply am having a hard time getting back into the swing of things at the office.
On the upside of things, I put up my sweet mini Valentine Day cards last night. As of this morning, they are all sold but I will have more up hopefully by Friday. If you want to put a set on hold, email me and I'll be happy to do that for you. I'll be making 2 sets, one with TTV images, the other with my polaroids. Also, if you ever see anything on my Flickr page you would like as a print or turned into mini cards, just drop me a line. :)

Did you catch the release of February's Studio Calico kit? 3236172510_6f6d0aa725There are some sweet exclusive SC papers in this one. My favorite was the fortune cookie paper. Goodfortu320
Cool, no? I've posted my other layouts in the Studio Calico photo album to the left of my blog. Of course I had other things I wanted to put down but have forgotten. How likely of me....to forget. I cannot tell you how many moleskin notebooks, pieces of paper, printed emails, and torn bits that have thoughts written on them. That's one resolution that's going slow. We live in the age of organization yet I still haven't come to terms with the meaning. One day I tell you, one day my home will be the epitome of organized bliss, all Martha Stewart like with matching baskets in robin's egg blue and seafoam green. one day. 

A glimpse of my hibernation week. Valentines Day projects, enjoying a cup of hot tea next to the fire, playing with my new camera lens....happy, rested me.
Take care,
Tina 3235327267_3718f9588c_o