I've been making.

Guess I've been choosing to create and make rather than blog lately. I suppose I could do both like all other super bloggers out there but I just haven't been feeling it lately. So instead of forcing to write, I choose to make....and catch up on older seasons of Dexter. Here's a few sneaks of my layouts create with May's Studio Calico kit.

I had too much fun working with 35mm. The 2 add ons that appealed to me most were Holga and Leica. Also used the new mists Taxi which is by far my favorite yellow Mister Huey that has been released. And for the first time, I've used a pink Mister Huey, Boss Lady. I never thought I'd see the day. :)

I was asked to work on some Smash which I gladly excepted until I saw it in real life. This particular book is huge but I made it work thanks to Jamaica's suggestion on using it to store my magazine clippings. Genius! I have to say, I'm so thankful to have crafty friends to brainstorm with. I wouldn't get half the stuff I get done.

I'm pretty much misting Calico Shine on everything right now. It's an amazing color. Not quite silver but just enough metallic shine to make a nice tone on tone backdrop. I misted heavily on the cover to have it show more. Yet another reason why I love this color, you can spray a little or a lot with different results.

And my favorite page... Perfectly imperfect cuts of washi squares. Couldn't be more me.

Here's a glimpse of some other pages. This book won't be fully done until the end of the year. I want this to have all my clippings, ideas and sketches from 2012.

Here's a list of all supplies used: Pretty Pocket Smash Portfolio, Adhesive Smash Inserts, Swatch Smash Tape, Mister Huey's Calico Shine, Honey Bee scissors, vinyl stickers, letter stencils, washi tape, Silhouette, AC Precision Pen, ProGlide glue gun, Take Note Gray Strip FabRip, Abroad Filmstip FabRip, Abroad Map FabRip, Take Note Woodgrain FabRip.