simple sunday.

The recent snow fall is not going to stop me from wearing my new spring flats from Old Navy. It's April and I'm ready to shed off some of this winter bulk. Today I will hopefully be motivated enough to start yoga. I did get an early start this morning, drove the dog to Starbucks to get a little motivation on ice and headed back to tackle laundry, the waffle mess my husband left me and our taxes. Yes, taxes. I have waited till the very last minute to do them. I really don't know why, not that it's really all that difficult. I guess I just look at it like homework. I hated homework then and I hate it now. But I can happily say that they are now done and ready to be mailed off.

leaving off with a listy.....
-downloading new music....currently loving Adele.
-I can't stop listening to the longest Death Cab for Cutie song, Stability. It moves me.
-I had the most exciting Friday night.......scrapping until 2 in the morn'. ;)
-Looking forward to the release of Juno.
-I'm secretly addicted to the Ultimate Fighter show...ssshhh...
-getting ready for the sneak peek premiere over at Studio Calico.
-looking through all the little goodies Vee sent me. Thanks girl!
-so happy the Office, 30 Rock and Scrubs is back!! When the heck is Gray's making a return?
-new Hills tomorrow. J says he can always tell when I'm watching 'cause it gets all quiet.
-posting some SC peeks tomorrow.
