home has never been better

It feels so good to be home.. I know Tyler was relieved when all the wires and tubes were taken off his little body. He's doing really well. His strength amazes me because if I had the same surgery, I would be laying in bed right now feeling sorry for myself. I've mentioned this to several people already who have all agreed. It makes me thankful that we are doing this now and not later. If any of you reading this are curious about the specifics of his condition, it's called Vesicoureteral Reflux. It was severe, grade V. That is why surgery was needed. He'll have to go through additional testing but  our minds are more at ease now. Thank you all so much for thinking of us! And to our families for being there when we needed them. (+Words app, friendly night nurse + cheese and cracker plate)

Now I'm chomping at the bit to get some layouts and pl stuff done! I think being away from all my paper and supplies renewed my inspiration. I did manage a quick project for the Studio Calico blog before our hospital stay...

Take Note, Classic Calico and Abroad are now available in the Studio Calico shop! I'm so in love with the paper designs and the stamps. I haven't had a chance to play with any of the new wood veneer shapes but when I do, they'll probably be all over the place. Especially the little camera and people shapes.

Not much else to say here except happy friday!