week end | Friday Freebie

popsicles seem to be an ongoing theme here. Tyler is a popsicle fanatic year round but I crave them more this time of year. I'm on a mission to try every flavor Dreyer's make. Above it peach and it's pretty tasty but I still prefer the coconut the best. (no affiliation, just a fan)

I've got a little freebie for those who are a little more sensitive than others. I am known as the "sensitive one" in my family. Drives me nuts but I guess that's my sensitive tendencies kicking in. I just find it funny that when something bothers me, I'm being overly sensitive but when it's on the opposite end, it's completely normal. Odd how that works.

We are the ones who overthink, who take everything to heart, who hurt easily. The curse.

But I truly believe that those who do feel things more deeply make the world a better place. We are the listeners, the passionates, the ones who encourage. The blessing.

The freebie is sized at 3x4 and saved as a pdf. I created it last night after seeing the quote on my IG feed. It needed to go into my Project Life spread this week which I'm happy to report is going along amazingly. I have FINALLY found what works for me and I've taken some advice from Kristi's e-course in not stressing so much about exact dates and having everything in exact chronologic order. Man, has that lifted the PL/pocket scrapbooking weight off my shoulders. I mean who effing cares if I mix a photo from the beginning of May in with mid-May? And the journaling...it's never been my strong suit, so why stress about it? I journal everyday in my Field Notes notebook. Why do I feel the need to re-write everything I've already jotted down?

All of this has resulted in good vibes memory keeping. Is there anything holding you back in your pocket scrapbooking?

Have a lovely holiday weekend folks! Tina

LLP Freebie Friday download