I took the weekend to ponder my own question I presented on Friday and I've come to realize I've confused what it is to be a successful blogger. After all, we define our own success.

“If the day and the night are such that you greet them with joy, and life emits a fragrance like flowers and sweet-scented herbs, is more elastic, more starry, more immortal — that is your success.” - Henery David Thoreau

Whether you're starting out or in a "what am I doing" slump like myself, I think it's best to write a list of expectations when it comes to your blog.

Here are a few things off my own list....

I'm not necessarily looking for a million followers but having a boost in readers would be nice, especially if I've spent a day putting a DIY together.

Do I want to make money from my blog? No, not really. Not if entails having said followers and posting everyday. Time spent on blog management is better spent in my studio working on current and future designs. That is where I want to generate more income.

I do want to use my blog as a platform for my business but I don't want to just post shop updates and what I'm up too. I want to reach out to other creatives and this is where I'd like to change things up.

Here's where I've confused things. I thought in order to be a successful maker/creative that I also needed to be a successful blogger, which I think I can still be on my own terms. I want it all sometimes but I am not that person and I need to play up on my strengths rather than work against them.

There were so many great responses to my question. Thank you for taking the time to write. It helps put things in perspective. That is the biggest thing I didn't think about when I wrote that post....connecting with your peers. I want more of that as well. That is ultimately what blogging is about, no?
