Blog Tour!

I was tagged by the lovely Melissa Mann to continue on with a blog tour!

  1. What am I working on right now?

I'm packing orders and tackling my to do list for the day even though it's Labor Day! It's a labor of love so it's all good. :) 

  2. How long does it take me to create a project?

Depends on my mood. If I'm uninspired and struggling, maybe days but I've learned to not create at these times. When I'm in the mood, a couple of hours spanned in a few days. 

  3. What are my favorite things to create with at the moment?

I'm making a travel journal to take with me on my upcoming trip to Seattle and Portland.

  4. How does my writing/creating process work?

My Creating process depends on my mood but usually it starts with an idea. Then I'll do a quick peek on Pinterest boards and things I have saved in my mental pinboard. Then it's down to the nitty gritty. Once I'm in the thick of creating, I don't open my browser or pick up my phone. 

  5. How do I become inspired and stay inspired?

Getting outside, taking a walk, traveling....doing these things help me continue to live a creative life & keep the inspiration going. It also helps to bounce ideas off of a fellow creative friend. 

  6. What is my signature style?

Simple with a quirky details. I love working with negative space in layouts and photography.

I choose to tag, Jamaica Makes, Vee Jennings and Maria Lacuesta 

Thanks for choosing me Melissa!
