girl out of sorts and of course, loves friday.

Lately, I've been feeling out of sorts.
I'm going to blame it on the weather and a few other minor events that took place this week but I'm done with it and not going to complain about here.
Instead I'm going to show ultra cute pics of my son because he's helping me get through this funk. 

These were taken the day he turned 4 months.
I'm amazed how much he's progressed in these few months.
*He has has to sit up (still with a little help) otherwise he gets frustrated.
He'll probably have a little 6 pack soon...when I do have him lying down, he keeps his head up in sort of like he's doing a crunch. 
*We do this thing where we roar at each other. He started doing this low, raspy roar a few weeks ago when I got home from work one day.
*He communicates a lot. Lot's of yells, and roars and ooohhhssss. He's not a quiet baby. 
*He did roll over from his back to belly for the first time this weekend and now he's a rolly polly. No more leaving him alone on the couch.
*He does well at tummy time but still doesn't prefer that position.
*He's super active and a jumper. Will probably follow his fathers footsteps and be an ace basketball player. We're already discussing colleges. :)
*He's now 20lbs and 26inches. I know. Big. 
*He's always happy and smiling except when he's tired. He takes after mommy and gets super grumpy.
*He's started to get attached to his blanky and likes to pull it over and on his face.
*He's super ticklish under his thighs up by his butt.
*He gets a little scared around other people but will quickly warm up to them.
*Hates the carseat.
*Loves his peek a boo apple toy
*He grabs at everything and puts it in his mouth.
*He's starting to feel things out. Like the skin on my arm or the fur on our dog.
*He usually has at least one strand of my hair clutched in his hands.



Anyhoo, here's a peek at an upcoming tutorial I'm going to have up on the Studio Calico blog.

Photo 1
Stay tuned for that.  

Lastly, I want to sort explain or retract something I said on last week's current post.

wondering: why some people can go through life being so cranky. I mean, I get it...we all have our days but sheesh, this person is constantly at a low point in her life. 

Kind of feel all upity about it. 
Not like I don't go through low points in my life...far from the truth. I just know that this particular person creates these "low points" and constant drama for herself. That's all. 
I never meant for that comment to be a broad judgement towards anyone and everyone. I feel like a shmuck for putting that out there.

Things I'm looking forward to this weekend?
Photoshoot with a boxer. Exciting about doing something different and out of my comfort zone.
Breakfast downtown with friends before said shoot.
Some much needed downtime with my guys. May even get out the stoller for walk outside, if it doesn't snow or get crazy windy. Seriously Anchoragites...that wind yesterday. Crazy, no? I was dodging trash cans, and pieces of roof shingle. Even our neighbors shed was flying in the air. No joke.
We were without power and heat all morning. Luckily the coffee stand down the road had power. Score!

Enjoy the spring weekend!

**quilt made by Jamaica

girl loves friday.

20110328_0461Do you ever open up a post and just stare at the blinking cursor trying to think of something clever to write.
That's me at this very moment.
I'm not going to force it.

I will simply say,
happy Friday.

girl loves friday.

Did you all have a nice St. Pat's day? 
Lot's of meat and potatoes and green beer? 
We didn't grub but that doesn't mean we didn't celebrate.
St. Pat's day will always be a special day for us.
You can read why in this post from last year.
Yep, last day spent with the fertility specialist. 
Sometimes I feel sad he wasn't made the old fashion way.
Almost like the "love" was taken away from the experience.
But in retrospect, there was probably more love shared that day than any other in all those years of trying to conceive.
I won't get into now but I do hope those who are having difficulties trying, don't give up your hopes. Just give up the stress and pressure we put on ourselves in the baby race. It's unnecessary and makes the situation less about love. 

Onto girl loves.

How awesome and true is this? found here.
I almost never post a photo without a link. It's the right thing to do and with all the photo sharing sites out there, it's easy to get carried away with posting gems that don't belong to us.
Be kind and give credit.

This Nike quote found on this photog's blog. You can read the full version here but I particularly love the end. Nothing like an inspirational quote to get you going. It brought me the biggest smile. I'm loving all this positivity around me.  

??Sooner or later, you start taking yourself seriously. You know when you need a break. You know when you need a rest. You know what to get worked up about and what to get rid of. And you know when it’s time to take care of yourself, for yourself. To do something that makes you stronger, faster, more complete.

Because you know it’s never too late to have a life. And never too late to change one.


This song is on repeat right now. I also love the Knife's original version as well.



Happy Weekend friends. xot.

girl loves friday (& a boudoir peek)

We love our fridays in these parts.
As do many of you I'm sure. 
My morning started out with a laugh. I feel kind of bad but I scared the poop out of my husband while he was sleeping. I'm still snickering about it. 
My coffee was extra delicious. I wish this particular barista would work the morning shift everyday. She makes nonfat milk tastes sinful.
The combination of a good belly laugh and tasty coffee put a pep in my step as I walked gleefully in the office. My coworker even noticed my more perkier attitude.
What can I say? Friday and I are besties.  

Going to keep this post short and sweet.

The one web love I have today is the Lara Casey project which has lit a massive bonfire under my big "just had a baby" bootie. Lara-cAsey-challenge-1I needed this more than anything right now and I'm in it all the way. I just completed step 1 and moving forth to step 2. I just blogged about being overwhelmed and I know mental clutter is the biggest culprit.  

A quick peek from the boudoir session which I'm still plugging away on.

Happy Friday!

girl loves friday.

happy happy joy joy.
couldn't have come sooner. 

I wanted to blog all week but it was impossible to squeeze some extra time. And now I've forgotten all the things I wanted to blog about.
Really need to start keeping a notebook.  

Yet another big step towards my 2011 goal. I finally launched my photography website.
Check it out and let me know what you think. I may just have a give-away for one or two lucky comments. :)
And a quick survery about the website...
1. Should I add music?
2. Should I add "photography" to the end of lifelovepaper?

onto girl loves.

makes me want to redo my shelves. found here.

I'm totally infatuated with this mom's documentation of daily life.


wardrobe envy. desperately wanting to buy new clothes but not until all this extra baby weight is off.  

hope you all have a fabulous weekend!


(credits....polaroid digital template is from Paislee Press, tape strips from Pugly Pixel, hearts from Picnik, font is from Myfonts.)

girl loves friday.

What the? Orea truffles? Get. Out.

This dreamy photo.

Tyler's 100 days is coming up in a few weeks and I'm planning a small gathering to celebrate. I may just wait to purchase his first hanbok for his first birthday and keep the 100 days small. Can't wait to see him in this. Makes me want to pull out my first hanbok.
Not much else to say but Happy Friday!

girl loves friday.

no I'm not lucky I'm blessed.
-Nicki Minaj

Something I'm feeling at the very moment.
I don't think I give the big man enough credit for the goodness in my life. Of course I look to him when things are down and ask..why me?
Another resolution for this year....less why me prayers and more thank you prayers.

Feeling so relieved it's Friday. Seems like a long week, maybe because I actually worked a full week rather than taking Friday off. 
Yesterday I woke up so amped on creative thoughts but they were quickly killed after a conference call first thing in the a.m. in which I was not given credit for a grand business decision I had made last week. Not to say I need a pat on the back for every thing I do but this particular situation would have been nice. Was pretty let down but also pushed me more into wanting to become my own boss. I'm ready to mesh my own business/sales/creative skills into Life.Love.Paper Photography. Every night this week I've dreamt of being on photo shoots and woke up with fabulous ideas and enough motivation to get me to my next step. I'm extremely excited about my upcoming shoot which is going to be totally experimental. It's a boudoir shoot. Yikes. Totally far from the newborn, maternity direction I'm headed but at this point in my photographic career, I'm not going to shy away from something new.

Gir loves

I love cuddly creatures.

Speaking of cuddly...I also love that my baby boy loves to cuddle. He snuggles right into the nook of my arm when we take our afternoon naps. Yes, he sleeps with me. In my bed. I can hear the gasps now. And you know what...I'm not going to apologize for it. With all the books and advice combined, what I know is that I have to do what's best for us. He does sleep comfortably in his bassinet now at night-time but nap-time is cuddle time. 
Moving on.

This book . This was Tyler's Valentines gift I got him and has become part of our bedtime ritual. He coos and ahhs while I'm reading it which tells me he loves it as well.

This beautiful post on motherhood. I foresee lot's of blanket forts and dance parties in my future.


happy friday.

boy loves friday.

20110206_9041giving a pound to friday.:)
i wasn't planning on blogging today but i'm up early with a hot cup of decaf and sleeping boy so why not?
still in the process of updating this boring blog.
was going to hire some one to do it but my funds are tied up at the moment so now i'm researching/learning how to do it myself. harder than i thought but i'm sure i'll get there.

onto girl loves.

things i am thankful for.
i love this illustration although i would alter a few things. certainly an inspiration for an upcoming layout using my March Studio Calico kit due to arrive on my doorstep in the next few days. 

one love photo's booth.
of course you'd expect nothing less from these ultra creative photographers.
love the idea of hanging old cameras directly onto the idea that my spring up in my son's nursery. he's mesmerized by the cameras i have strown across my mantle.

this look.
the jeans remind me of the old 501's i use to scour the thrift stores for. already been sporting the messy bun for a few weeks now but i'm really on the hunt for a blazer. i have issues with them fitting me comfortably. i hate the feeling of being confined. blazers usually do that to me.

also loooving yogurt with granola. my perfect combination is the Yoplait light banana cream pie topped with Bear Valley vanilla almond and some chopped bananas. wish the rest of my eating would play out this healthy.

happy friday.

girl loves...thursday?

Yes, Thursday.
Why? Bbecause it's my Friday.
Not that I'll be lounging around in my pjs tomorrow.
We've got a full day of doctor apointments and errand running.

Being back to work started off well but in my second week, I'm feeling a bit like this:
AaaaaaaaaaI'm am running on fumes rights now. 
Tyler's going through something because his little butt kept me up until 3:30am this morning.
It's hard to be frustrated with him though. He spent the night/early morning wide-eyed and cooing the whole time. Possibly a growth spurt? Not sure but he's been doing so well with our routine. Just hope he gets back on track soon. 

Not only am I dog tired but tasks at work are starting to pile up.
It's nice to be busy but with so little sleep, it's hard to concentrate. I have to say I'm handling it all quite well though. As emails keep flowing and my inbox gets full, I keep a smile on my face.
This year I decided to do 2 things.
First was to not complain...or complain less I should say. (when snowblower wakes me up in the a.m., complaining is a given) So far so good.
Second was to not let the negativity that surrounds our office get to me. So when coworkers gossip/complain, it goes in one ear and out the other.
I just don't have the time or energy for this @$#% crap anymore.
Not when I've got so much good going for me.
There's no way I want any of that negativity to rub off on Tyler and he in no way deserves a grumpy mom.
I'm taking it all in great strides.


happy thursday/friday! 

girl loves friday.

Getting organized is up there with dieting/healthy eating.
It's one of those resolutions that fails even beforer it begins, for me at least.
Dieting is so not on my list this year being that I'm currently eating french toast I made out of leftover croissants from Costco. It's especially good because the boy is sound asleep and I can actually eat using both hands.  

One resolution that I want to keep is stated above.
Do something creative everyday.
I first thought that this was one of those sure to fail resolutions but it really is a lot more simple than it seems.
Being creative does not mean I need scrapbook everyday or make something tangible.
Playing around with some of the items I had on my desk and styling them for a photo was creative.
Journaling my son's birth story was creative.
Re-decorating our mantle was creative. 
Even if I take 5 minutes out of my diaper changing filled days to do something creative, I will continue to grow & evolve.


girl love friday and hates drama.

hate is a strong word but is an appropriate feeling to have on the subject of drama.
not drama as in i'm in the mood to watch a drama.
i'm talking about the type of drama that drains you and that is quite unnecessary. kwim?
it's something i avoid at all costs but i know at some point in my life, it will arise. it's all about how said drama is handled. i think hope that i have handled this minor bump in the road as best as i could. will things be the same after the smoke clears? possibly but life goes on to more positive things.


my husband. my partner. my bestie for life.
me: laying on the floor taking photos of the pup napping.
him: watching me take numerous photos.
me: thinking he's just watching the game on the flat screen behind me.
him: "you're really happy taking pictures, aren't you?"
surprised to find out he's been watching me this whole time. I blush and lovingly smile at him.

convos with long distance friends.
garance blog. i know, too many garance references. but i love her and knowing that i only have a moment to check google reader each day, her blog is on the top of my list.

valentine inspired weddings

this greeting card.

cool cupcake designs. 
Homepage2-1Banother reason to add to my "why I can't wait to have a baby" list. i can imagine a bunch of these for his or her birthday party with other little kids running around my house while donning pointy birthday hats. 
an idea for a future layout.
Picture 24 Picture 25

is this not genius? and it doesn't have to be about your spouse or partner. could be about a pet or your child. i love it. don't be surprise to see this idea used for a layout.

and lastly, a couple of sneaks for the March Studio Calico kit which goes live this weekend!!
Clsup1 Clsup3

oh boy, my half caf latte is starting to kick in. time to get the friday done and over with. before I sign off, I wanted to thank those of you who visit daily and leave nice little comments. I don't always get a chance to respond right away but that doesn't mean I don't care. In appreciation of the time you take to visit, I would like to give away 2 of my collage cards. Just say hi and I'll choose a winner Sunday night.
Il_430xN_124075477happy happy happy FRIDAY
be safe and enjoy your weekend. 

happy love day.

ah..that holiday you either love or loathe.
I'm sort of in between this year for no other reason but it creeping up on me.
jeff came home friday with 2 dozen of my favorite creamy pink roses knowing I don't go for the traditional valentine red. that's all I wanted. no cheesy card to throw away. no box of chocolates that I absolutely do  not need.
the thing I love the most about this weekend is having monday off. :) that makes my heart flutter.

spent some quality time with some paper, photos & rub ons yesterday which i desperately needed. creative therapy has taken over retail therapy.
This layout I created using the new Studio Calico rub ons:

"girl survives winter" will actually be a future blog post listing my favorite winter survival products.

some sneaks from the March SC kit:
I'll also have some new cards in the shop this week:
New pola
 New ttva collage of my favorite polaroids and ttv shots from the past year. 5x5 flat card. printed on art recycled paper. $4.

I now have a bag of Haribo gummy bears and a movie to attend to. 
happy love day to you all.


girl loves friday.

4321398660_c810bcb62a_b    (self portrait, Canon XTi 50mm 1.4, Mayflower Hotel, Seattle)

It's funny how a simple vacation away from normalcy turns a girl into a lighter brighter human being.
Things tend to roll off my back a little easier. Things that would normally make steam shoot out of my ears. Maybe I'll turn back into a grumpy office worker again in a few weeks but I never liked that person so my only solution is to take more mini-breaks.

In efforts to save for said mini trips, I have cut down my Starbucks spending spree to once a week and even then I don't get the $5 latte. I opt for the less expensive brewed coffee which I actually enjoy more. I'm also tired of spending $10 a day for lunch. Seriously, $10 for a freakin salad?! Why it's taken me this long to realize that is a ridiculous amount for lettuce is beyond me but I'm starting to see the light. Ultimately I chalk it up to laziness. 

My use to be once a week retail therapy sessions had turned into a daily occurrence. I really don't even need to do it once a week. I'm cured! The only kind of therapy that guarantees to work are mini breaks away. Shopping is only a temporary fix and I'm so tired of having all this stuff in my house. I remember when we first moved in, it was so bare and empty. Now it's filled with odds and ends that we do not need. I'm sure this stuff will find a better home. That is what I will be doing this weekend. Purging like there's no tomorrow.

Traveling with one suitcase and camera made me incredibly happy. It made me realize I didn't need all those materialistic things. Doesn't mean I will completely give up shopping. I'm just done with impulse shopping.

So what does this girl love today?
My new Canon 5D Mark II. Yes, this guy was delivered to my doorstop yesterday and man, is he a handsome fella. Those of you who are waiting for their freebie photo shoot will hear from me soon.
Dare 157

many bobo's(kisses) from my niece and nephew after being away from them for a few weeks. 
Crunch roll from Dish. I should have ordered 2.
teeny tiny banners.
4321400598_5a49030a48_b  (American Craft Dear Lizzy booth)
 Haribo gummy bears. 
 Photographers who share their secrets.
Coolest business card ever.

Many more loves but the most is just being clear minded and in the present.
Happy Weekend everyone!

girl loves friday!

A few things this fabulous friday.
First, I will be headed to CHA next weekend! Woohoo! I'm so glad I get to travel outside of AK, even if it's just for a few days.
Second, I'm still pondering my camera choices. I know I said I was going with the 5D but after many, many hours of research, I may opt for the 7D. I'm still undecided at this point. Any 7D users reading this? If so, speak up. I'd like to know what your opinion is.
Third, I think I may have booked my first paying photoshoot which would be a wedding. I haven't given an answer yet. Weddings were never in my game plan BUT I would be a fool to turn down an opportunity like this. What if after doing this wedding, it ends up being my specialty? One never knows until one tries.
Those 3 things are on my mind right now. Exciting times. The new year is starting out to be a very promising one.
A few photos before I sign off.

010910 069
092509 097b 
Anthologyrs New Anthology line from Studio Calico! I also added in some things from the upcoming February kit along with other bits from past kits.

Enjoy your weekend,

it's friday and I'm in love.

**Spent some quality time with Google Reader this week and I'm happy to report my creative spirits are lifted.
**The arrival of February's Studio Calico kit on my doorstep a day earlier than anticipated has me chomping at the bit. 
**2 weeks closer to being the owner of a Canon Mark 5D II. Oh yes.
**why 2 weeks? Because there a few things I told myself to accomplish before dropping hard earned money down. 2 weeks is my deadline. If they're not completed, no camera. Talk about motivation.
**These luscious boots. I met them today on my lunch break. I intended on birthday shopping for a friend but got distracted by these. I want. I want. I want.
**happy random garland.

**This print.

**calligraphy...something I've wanted to learn myself for a loooonnnggg time. I tried a few times as I like to teach myself certain crafts but this one just doesn't come easy to me. For now, I'll just admire her beautiful work.

**a rainbow amongst the snow.
My niece, my muse, my most favorite subject to photograph right now. She's helping me with my portfolio. :)  
If you reside in Anchorage, drop me a line at I'm shooting for free right now so if you're interested, let's talk. 

Enjoy the weekend!

girl loves friday....a little late.

The stress of the holidays has started to sink in.
I did have my shopping done but like always there are some last minute gifts that need to be purchased.
Hair desperately needs to be cut. You know you're over due when the most effort you put into your style is throwing it in a messy ponytail/bun.
Finally wiped away the remains of my Christmas party red manicure. My nails are in shams.
The bags under my eyes seem to be permanent even though I feel like I'm getting enough sleep.
The snow seems to have stopped but probably not for long. The only thing getting me through the treacherous drive to and from work is singing along to the holiday radio station...."oh the weather outside it frightful" as I pass several cars that have spun out into the ditch.
It is beautifully crisp and white out and the hustle and bustle of shoppers and neighbors putting up lights puts me in a better mood.
Christmas has it's ups and downs. It's not all merry and bright but overall, it's the time of year to reflect and to count our blessings. I came home the other day and hugged J as tight as I could after hearing about a coworkers husband passing after surgery. I'm deeply heartbroken for her and her children.
It's never a good time for some one to pass but the holidays don't make it any easier. This is what I think of when my mood starts to turn sour for one reason or another. I am alive and well and there is absolutely no reason for me to be a grinch about anything.

I was honored when a friend asked me to do a photo session of her newborn, Colten.
She knows I'm wanting to expand my still life horizons and build a portfolio. It was certainly a learning experience. You can read books, research blogs and scroll through Flickr for inspiration and ideas but there is nothing like the actual experience of a photo session. I now realize that if this is something I want to do professionally, I'm going to have to invest in some lighting equipment and a new camera. Yes, a new camera which leads me to this years wish list. :)

I want a 5D but I don't see that happening anytime soon. Or maybe? who knows. But I would settle for a 70D
would also LOVE to get my hands on this beauty of a lens.
I was this close to signing up for this photo class in Vegas next year. this close. but it filled up in like a few hours and was quite expensive. I'm sure it's worth every penny. I'm hoping they plan to do one in Seattle. I would be there in a heartbeat.  

I'm having a little holiday special in the shop through Christmas day.
For a limited time, I will be offering single Polaroid prints AND you also get this one for free with any purchase.
Holiday special 

here are a few images currently in the shop...
Oh deer 

  All we need is love

I also have a limited set of calendars left. Very very limited. You'll have a chance to win one on Ali's blog this weekend. 
other tidbits?
SC January sneaks this weekend. The stamps are so fun this month. Be sure to check the mb's for sneaks from the rest of the dt.
And 2 layouts for the homie Home Front line......


I'm at the end of my day, yawning my head off.
off to bed.
happy weekend,

girl loves friday.

where to begin?

let's start with the company holiday party I gleefully attended last weekend.
let's say that it ended up being an eventful night.
let's also say that some should not drink if they cannot behave themselves.
let me also add that many did the walk of shame monday morning.
I'll leave it at that.
oh and if you're wondering, there was no shame walking done by myself. I was on my best behavior.
It's a company Christmas party, not the local downtown hot spot. Some should have known better.

Picture taking wasn't a hit. I hate flash units. I did manage to get a few nice shots in without said flash unit. Those will remain private as I do not think it's proper to post photos of people without them knowing. I also wish I would have worn a different dress. We all ended up wearing little black dresses which is no fun. **note to self. next year be bold. wear color.

The rest of the weekend was spent shopping. I'm happy to report I'm just about done. My deadline is the 11th. That way I can just kick back and enjoy the rest of the holiday season and not stress myself out by combat shopping.

****the post above has been in my draft box for the past week. let's move onto current events.

today's love is simple.
this girl loves friday.
it's been an exhausting week at work. so many have decided to take vacation during our most busiest season which is fine but makes for a heavy workload. 
the thick fog that has blanketed Anchorage for the past week has not improved my exhaustion.
Will we ever see the sun? I'm getting paler than a vampire who hasn't feasted in awhile.
thinking of hitting a tanning salon. gasp. I know, tacky but I need to feel some kind of warmth.
I do have other loves but I'm going to do a little swithceroo and post those on monday after I've had some rest and a little creative let go over the weekend.
Signing off with some photos.
Happy weekend!
(a quick tutorial up on the SC blog
(not a happy camper)
(comforting christmas bokeh)  


girl loves friday.

currently sipping my delicious beverage which, you guessed it...starbucks.
peppermint mochas are irresistible to me right now. first love of the day.
the office is buzzing with anticipation of tonights Christmas party.
should be fun. I'll be photographing and offered to take some portraits of those who would like a nice photo of themselves since we're all prettied up. I ended up getting an, I guess, an affordable flash. $140 bucks. jeez. the lady did show me one that was over $300 and I'm thinking, um...this is company office party. If I were getting paid to do weddings then yes, I would gladly pay that amount. Plus I hate flash photography and avoid it all costs. Keep your fingers crossed for me. This will be my first time photographing an event other than a still life set up in my home.

what else is on my love list today?

my holiday ensemble.
I tend to lean towards dresses that are equal parts conservative, trendy and flirty.
This is what I ended up getting.

it doesn't look as baggy on me, could be that I'm not 6 feet tall and thin as a stick.
It hugs my curves very nicely and is shorter than I'm use to but that evens out the top being so conservative. Add big earrings and red lips and I'm ready to get my holiday party on.

Have not been into food lately. Sounds silly but I crave liquids right now. Besides peppermint mochas, I'm addicted to apple cider with fresh whipped cream and orange julius.
Is it me or do beverages taste better when they're being sipped from a cute mug?

a comforting scrapbook line.
Home Front Giveaway
The Studio Calico Home Front gallery is looking fabulous.  

lunch time for me! off to get some more christmas shopping.
happy weekend!

girl runs away with friday and doesn't look back.

yet another successful week survived.
got to love the holidays when you work retail although I'm lucky to work behind the scenes rather
than actually being out in retail. been there, done that, don't want to do it again.

I thought I was ahead of the game this year by purchasing my party dress for the company Christmas party. I found it mid-summer, it was love at first site and on sale to boot.
but it never fails, every year I do the same thing. I buy a dress, then 2 weeks before said party, I doubt my dress and purchase a back up. I do this for every party I attend that involves a dress. I find a back up dress essential. And, this may sound pretentious but I can never wear the same dress twice. I know, this is ridiculous but in my defense, I don't attend many "dress up" events and I don't spend an ungodly amount of money either. so that's my plan for today, dress shopping. fun. at least I know what works for me and what doesn't so I shouldn't be spending too much time trying on dresses.

onto this weeks loves.

preppy cool J Crew
so in love with their holiday theme this year. what's in my cart now?
graphite gray sweater for J (holiday party) skinny black jeans for work, perfectly paired with my knee boots and this pea coat I'm getting my niece for Christmas. contemplating this tuxedo jacket to pair with my holiday dress.

hometown store love.
who kindly let me take a few photographs of their storefront and who also started carrying a few
items from Paper Source. I love this place for unique holiday gifts and cards. If you're in Anchorage, they're on Benson Blvd near Barnes and Noble.

uh oh...another Garance love.
beautiful girl, cool tattoo. what's not to love?

also loving..
oatmeal with bananas and a touch of peanut butter. I've trained myself to eat breakfast when I'm work.
it really helps later in the day when lunch rolls around and my choices are either greasy fast food or a fresh salad or sandwich.

Uggs. You either love them or hate them but I'm telling you, once you try a pair, you'll get why people do love them. Especially when the weathers as cold as it's been up here. I purchased a pair of  FUggs (fake Uggs) before I received a pair for Christmas and they are so not the same.

Holiday polaroids. I have 2 sets going up for sale in the shop tonight. This is my favorite season to shoot polaroids. It's that dreamy, vintage feel the polaroid gives to basic holiday items that I adore so much. I know you will as well. Sets are limited, I'd hate for you to miss out!

happy friday,

girl hates a downer and oh yeah...loves friday.

leave it to office poopoo head to try and break me down on this glorious friday.
not happening lady. not today.
I'm sure her fowl mood is related to something personal so I shall not take her ignoring my "good morning" greeting personally myself.

finally caught up on my Hills/City fix last night after the NBC line up.
my thoughts.
**really Audrina? you surely making everyone believe you're a masochist. Is JustinBobby worth making you look so pitiful on national tv? and does anyone every make eye contact with each other anymore?
**can Kristen find a man minus the baggage? I'm "Kristen neutral". never hated or liked her but I do have to give it up to her for sticking up for herself when the Playboy Posse came around.
**Heidi is annoying me to no end on the babymaking. No fan of Spenc but this is a sure fire way of pushing away you new husband. I'm sure this is just one big ratings hoax anyhow.
**Roxy is another annoyance. I appreciate her zest for life...we all need friends like that. I surely have one of my own but if she ever got me in trouble with my job we would have words. and she was the one who left Whit and that's just wrong. You don't ever leave your girl in some random bar/club. She broke girl code.
**I'm a Kelly fan. I know, she's not the friendliest and most would think she's the boss from hell but I would actually like to work for some one like that. She would keep me motivated and I'm sure she takes care of those who prove themselves worthy.
**Olivia...poor Olivia. I felt bad that Erin got chewed out for not being a team player but she deserved it. Olivia needs to step up as well. I mean, she basically walked into a job at Elle. I don't care if you're a rich socialite. If you have a job, do it and do it well. How many other girls would kill for that position?

onto girl loves.

Not because Kayne says so but man she is fierce. Old news, but I loved her performance on the MTV awards. What I really love about her is that she's so fierce, she's willing to share the spotlight with a couple of dozen hot dancers and still shines. Most divas have male dancers. Beyonce doesn't need 'em.

I stopped in yesterday and picked up a bottle of Butter nail polish in the steal gray I was hunted down forever. Also purchased the prettiest dusty lavender blouse that I'm wearing today and love. Will have to photo when I get home from work.
Wish I had photos to share from this store. It's serious eye candy, so well designed. I'm happy to see boutiques like this here in Anchorage. It's about time. Now only if I could get the store owner to let me photograph her store.

clever sandwiches.
(photo from Sunday Suppers blog)
I'm so intrigued by the names. 

This quote from this blog post.

This little girls room.
(photo from the JAC blog)
check out the blog for the full photo shoot. it's just so precious.

35mm film.
 ( Pentax Honeywell 35mm, Kodak Gold 400)
Got my film back and it works! Now to find better, lower ISO film)

and some random polas from the week...

calendars are still for sale! don't miss out, I'll only have a limited amount this year.

ah day is half way over. 
plans for tonight? home, nap, pizza, scraps.

happy friday!