show & tell//may lilies

Sunny Yu with May Lilies sent me a pair of her oh so cute earrings. They've become one of my faves amoungst the few that I wear on rotation. I use to love my big ol' hoops but post kiddo, studs are more appropriate for my lifestyle. (I have this fear of my earring being ripped out of my ear lobe) Not only is the design + color cute but they are incredibly comfortable to wear. Doesn't even feel like I'm wearing earrings. Plus I have super sensitive skin so the sterling silver is a huge thumbs up.

Sunny Yu also creates beautiful necklaces and other delicatly shaped earrings. Check out her shop here.



+Skyfall by AdeleI've been wanting to see a good action movie so we watched Skyfall over the weekend. I think my favorite parts are the beginning with Adele singing Skyfall + when they showed the Skyfall location. Really beautiful setting + song.  I purchased the single today + haven't stopped listening to it.

+Seeing Tyler after he's been away for a few hours.  I found a great in home daycare for Tyler a few weeks ago. I can't tell you had difficult it was for me to find someone to watch my son. Not only finding someone but the over-protectiveness I felt about having Tyler being cared for by another person. I've learned to let that go now. This little bit of time apart has done wonders for all of us. I get time to work and get things done that are a million times easier to get done when you don't have your kid(s) with you. He gets play + engage with kids his age. He loves it + looks forward to HIS time. And when I pick him's a one of those magical happy parent moments that make all those tantrums + fussing + crying for not apparent reason meaningless.

+this layout. This is just a little snippet of the one my layouts created for the March Studio Calico kit. The Kesi'art paper in the Hook (#4) add on is gorg + I love the actual texture of the paper. Remember this tutorial? I applied it to a very photo taken a few weeks ago. Love the results but I hate that I botched the typed journaling below. You'll see after the full release. I'm thinking I may have to track this paper down and recreate it again.

Your turn. xot

My unlucky year (+stamp winner)

Before I commence in a whine session, I'd like to post the winner for the Love You stamp. First, you all are so awesome. It's nice to actually list your current loves, no? Always brightens my day a little and reminds me that there is more good than bad. Danielle Gough is the winner! 

Please email me at to claim your stamp. :)

Thanks for playing along but this isn't the end. Keep posting your Currents and link back...I'd love to read them! There will also be another stamp giveaway next month. :)


So more on the unlucky bit. (there will be a fair amount of boohooing in this post)

Maybe I jinxed myself with the Lucky Twenty-thirteen cut that started my PL this year. I am having the worst run of bad luck. When I complained to my dad about this after he delievered more bad news, he began to tell me the list of things I yammered on about were things that just happen in life. Tires get flat, money comes + goes (seems like it goes more often these days), 2 year olds have major tantrums and embarrass you when you're visiting friends, cameras eventually need to be taken in for repairs, work gets lost when you don't save it (damn Illustrator and it's unexpected quitting text box), lucky keychain that has been with you for many years break, pets get old and you're left with making a decision you never want to make.

The list goes on.

The worst? My papa was admitted in the hospital with phenomena. He's having a hard time fighting this and I almost jumped on plane to Vegas last week. I kept thinking, "not again" going through the same when my grandmother fell ill. But as of today, he's doing better. He's a fairly healthy senior so my hopes are high that this will go away but I know the reality. I do. He's suffered a broken heart since my grandmothers passing. He talks of being "ready". What if we're not ready? Is that a selfish?

So yeah, that's how my year has gone so far. Again, seems selfish to complain but this is part of the process. Let it out anyway you can. Talk to a friend or family member. Blog about it. Write it out in a journal. Then be done with it. I tend to wallow in my misfortune for brief moment but I think that's ok. We need to allow this for ourselves in order to to let the good fortunes in. We need to remind ourselves of what we do have + why these things happen. It makes us braver + more ready to deal when bad sh*t rolls around.

It's life.

Thanks for listening. : ) XOT

the break of dawn

little man decided he wanted to get up extra early this fine Sunday so here I am. getting what i can done while watching Olivia. A few things.

The Love You stamp giveaway is now closed. The winner will be announced Monday morning.

New LifeLovePaper digital printable is available.

and everyone who purchases will automatically be entered to win this...

Just purchase the new printable now through Tuesday, Feb 19th and you'll get a chance to win a bag o' goods. Those of you who purchased the early release yesterday are entered in the giveaway.

Time for a coffee refill. xot


Chocolate ( I know, so cliche but I can't get enough of it right now)My fleece snowflake pj bottoms (I can't believe I'm admitting to owning such a pair but they keep me warm on cold winter nights) This piece of artwork which also leads to loving watercolors right now (and it's me in a nutshell)


This stamp  which I'm giving away today (scrolll down for details)

Our snowy walks around the neighborhood.


The Love You stamp is special to me because it's inspired by my true love. Our relationship is based on a lot of jokes + laughs. Family Guy is something we watch after the little guy is asleep of course. We often say/text each other "love yoooouuuu" in our best Quahog accents.

Today I'm giving away this stamp to one lucky person. Just post your current loves here or blog about it. Just leave your link in the comments section.

I'll also be back later today for a digital release and another giveaway! 

Happy Love Day! XOT

New Beginnings Sale!

Hey guys!

I've finally got the shop updated with the new packs of misprints which include 15 pieces of various screen print + digital print items. Every pack will include at least 2 items from the Holiday pack! So yes, you'll receive some printed vellum :) Quantities are limited!

All other items are on sale too. Please note that I'm only selling what I have on hand. I only carry a few stamps of each design at a time. Most will be going away! The LifeLovePaper shop will be making some changes. I haven't made any final decisions but stamp designs will not be the main focus in 2013. I'll be working more with screen printed items done in small batches and more digital elements.

Can't wait to reveal the new projects I've been working on. :) XOT

Side note....I'll be working on my blog this week. You may see some silly things.


Finally, a long weekend of catching up on home life and personal tasks.There may be a possible bathroom remodel. A very long overdue bathroom remodel. Have crossed off a lot on my decision making list thus far. I'm definitely breathing a little easier which I'm thankful for. Can't really go into too much detail on some things but I do want to put my thoughts out there on the ups and downs of starting a photography business. I'll touch more on that next week. My eyelids are getting pretty heavy and the house has finally cooled down enough to wear I can sleep comfortably. Hope you all have a safe and relaxing holiday weekend!


lost and not found.

My plan was to do a nice little give away here with something I had but like so many things in my home, has grown legs and wondered off to some dark corner to hide. Just in case you were wondering what said give away was/still will be, it's a $25 gift certificate to Studio Calico. I know, good one right? I'm going to tear through my craft room this week and I will find that sucker.  Still trying to get a feel for this new format. Wordpress is quite different than Typepad. As you can see, the banner is still just blinking boxes. I'm hoping to get to that soon. Thank you for all the positive feedback. I love the design. I've been wanting something more spiffy but didn't have the time or knowledge. If any of you were wondering....I didn't design this blog myself. Oh no. I purchased the design from It was a limited edition and I was able to snatch one up before they were gone and they went fast.

On the mommy front....I have to admit that I don't give this kid enough credit. Let me explain. He is now a few weeks shy of being 6 months. Until a few weeks ago, he was still getting up twice, sometimes 3 times a night. After doing some reading, I found that I had created this monster. I should not have been so quick to give him the bottle each time he awoke at night. Little did I know that I was the one who was instilling this habit in my son. By this point, he should be sleeping through the night. I read several methods on how to quit this habit, one was the cry it out method which I found hard. I searched out  a solution that was sort of in between. The first night, he awoke and I let him cry for a little bit, then picked him up. He cried hysterically and I knew at this point, the bottle was necessary. At the time it was my instinct to do so instead of letting him cry for another umpteen minutes. The next day, I started to keep track of his feeding habits and there was my answer....he wasn't eating enough during the day. By day 3, he only got up once but only to let out a little cry and went right back to bed. Two weeks later, he's a champ sleeper. 11 straight hours of peaceful rest.

When I first read about all this, I immediately thought, this is going to be impossible. How am I suppose to break a habit he's had for the past 5 months? I didn't believe the book when it said the problem would resolve within 4-7 days. Pfft. Right.

Well, they were right. It did. Why I didn't feel confident enough in myself as a mom or my son is beyond me and I feel ashamed that I didn't give Tyler enough credit.

And so goes the trials and tribulations of being a new mom. :) xot.

ps...the above photo is what I call naked tummy time. He loves it. I found this out by him being super cranky one day. When I took his pj's off to see if he needed a diaper change, he immediately calmed down and started rolling around and laughing. So now I make it a point to give him naked tummy time each day. Seriously...when else is cellulite so cute?

I like to keep you on your toes.

sorry guys...I did choose a random winner last night but didn't get around to posting it. I was burning the midnight oil working on my new blog. Yep, I'll be moving soon, hopefully by the end of the week. I'll be celebrating my new blog by another give away, so stay tuned!

Ready to hear who won?





Are you sure?



btw...I hate doing this...only choosing one out of a few hundred. Wish you all could get a little something something.




ahh..but can. Countryside and Statefair are now available at for your shopping pleasure. :)



ok...winner is....

Beautiful layout!! I love what you did with those rub ons!! And those buckets are TDF!
Commenter name: Hollie S.

Please email me asap Hollie so you can get your gifties!

list 33.


1. I was born in Osan, South Korea.
2. I bit off the tip of my tongue when I was 5.
3. I was infatuated with Wonder Woman and the Smurfs.
4. I believe we get what we put in.
5. My favorite movie use to be Center Stage.
6. I was a shy cheerleader.
7. I moved out of my parents house the summer before my senior year.
8. I handle difficult people by killing them with kindness.
9. I won my first film camera in a poem contest in jr high.
10. I played volleyball.
11. No matter how successful I become as a photographer, I will always make time to scrapbook.
12. I pray in my car before I back out of the driveway.
13. I use to hate skinny jeans, now I prefer them.
14. I've never colored my hair.
15. I LOVED playing tether ball.
16. It was always easier to make friends with boys than girls.
17. My first car was a rust bucket but I loved it.
18. I never leave a store without checking their clearance section.
19. I eat crustless pb&j's.
20. The first thing I do when I come into the office is turn on Pandora.
21. I indulge in an US Weekly magazine about once a month.
22. I'm obsessed with watching the Kardashians.
23. I met Jeff when I was 14 and married him when I was 21.
24. Before the age of 27, I never wanted to have kids.
25. My early 20's were kind of a blur. 
26. Hugging my son is the most comforting feeling I've ever felt.
27. I wear more grey than one person should.
28. I love love love the bookstore.
29. I don't like putting people on the spot.
30. I'm usually the listener, not the talker.
31. If I wasn't living in Alaska, I would be in Washington.
32. I'm a homebody.
33. I'm content about turning 33. 


Kicking off my birthday weekend with some early morning shopping followed by a facial. 
I vow to buy myself some much needed clothes rather than heading straight for the baby section.
Well...I'll probably head that way afterwards. :)

Enjoy the weekend.

(lace frame)


20110313_9744botched polaroids.


I find it really cute when my husband carries our diaper bag. With confidence none-the-less.

Couldn't pass up these beauties at Costco.  
Part of our nighttime routine is bath time, marinating in this sweet smelling lotion and putting on comfy fleece pj's.

Waiting to go for a ride with momma and bark at the coffee lady.  
How was your weekend?

bits and pieces from the weekend.

20110227_9290 20110227_9286
 20110227_9257text?And with a blink of an eye, the weekend has come and gone.
?So has another Monday, thank goodness.
It's amazing how quickly days go by now.
Funny how I thought time flew pre-baby.
Oh, the things I would tell that girl before she became a mom.

The boy's taking his last nap of the day so I need to get a move on with some chores.
I wanted to thank you all who commented on my new website.
Your input was greatly appreciated & helpful. 
Will probably nix the music for now but may eventually add something later.
And will also just stick to "" and not throw in the photography.
It was good to hear things like linking to my blog which I'm still trying to decide if I want to do. I may be putting together another blog just for photography...who knows. Seems to be too many things for me to take on. I feel like there's too much personal stuff here and I don't want to change that. On one hand, I worry clients may be put off by too much personal info about myself. On the other, why not? What do I have to hide from potential clients? This may be even more of reason to hire me, no?
Speaking of clients, I had my first boudoir session over the weekend and it went really well. I wasn't sure how I would approach this type of photography but I did it the way I wanted and avoided the cheesy shots I've seen around. I couldn't stress "natural, natural, natural" enough to my client when she asked me to do these shots. They came out beautifully and I cannot wait to share them with you later this week. 
Before I say goodnight, I have chosen 2 comments for the give-away which will be a mix of my Polaroid/TTV prints.
?Genevieve & Amy Gomez
Please email me at with your mailing addresses.

Thanks again guys! 

weekend best.

a quiet moment spent with a hot cup of decaf and some inspirational business reading. btw...the coffee press below is the best $20 spent this year. this gem is saving me lot's of $$.


family time/play time. the bestest.   

 current fave breakfast.
 20110221_9065early morning glow.
polaroid, naturally. 02211133 month old sweetness.  
20110221_9101smquiet snowfall. 
20110221_91492playing in said quiet snowfall with butters.  
20110221_9128a toy I got for Tyler that turned into a toy for butters.  20110221_9131

hope you all had the a lovely weekend as well.