it was a good thing...

...that I took a some time away from blogging because all you would be reading is ranting and crying and rage.That is how the past 6 days have been. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't all bad but I've just felt as though the universe has been against me. Being a true believer in karma, I had to have done something wrong to deserve all this bad luck, right? It's all good now. (knocking feverishly on wood) I will be minding my p's and q's from now on. No testing fate any time soon. I know, this all sounds vague but trust me, some things are best left unblogged. In the meantime, I still have not fully done my December Daily in the scrapping sense. In the photo sense, yes...I have been partaking. And note taking. And ephemera keeping. It'll all come together soon. Maybe during Christmas break. Pffft. Who am I kidding.

Day 10: My niece stays over and after she leaves, we breath a sigh of relief and now feel like Tyler is a breeze to handle. This girl is a ball of chaotic energy. Zoom, zoom, go there, now I'm here, what's this, why that, etc, etc, etc. Love her though. She's still my little photo muse. Always will be.

Day 12: I have a 1/2 hour of daylight to work with and I've been wanting to get this bokeh shot for like ever. He wasn't feeling it so much, mostly because I was rushing the process and held off on lunch for said daylight. Also because his jumper was too tight but he got it for his birthday and I loved it. There's a moose printed of the front which of course is being covered by the tree. It's been an exhausting week and it's only Tuesday! oy. xot

We enjoyed a pretty chill weekend. The only time we headed out was to purchase the little guy a better snowsuit so we could stay outside longer. Best purchase of the winter thus far besides the sled. Lot's of coffee drinking, some scrapbooking, playing in the snow. The big difference from this winter and all the winters from here on out is that I cannot fall into my snow coma where I live in my sweats, watch endless amounts of television and sleep to my hearts content. Oh man, how I miss the extra sleep. Having a kid, I'm learning is all about keeping active even when it's cold and dark out and I want to do nothing more than catch up on Grey's. Or play with paper uninterrupted until my eyes burn from creative exhaustion. Part of me misses all of that, not going to lie. This is the part where I say "it's all worth it" because it is...really it is. The balance, the sacrifice, the self evolvement. I feel way more creative than I ever have and I know that's because my time with paper and scissors is limited. I feel more alive being outside breathing in the icy cold air rather than the stale indoor air. (this is HUGE for me as I am a self proclaimed homebody) Naps are few and far between but it's all good. Being tired is second nature to me now. :) And now my blogging time is coming to an end, the boy should be up from his afternoon nap any minute now. Thanks for reading.
