Washi Workshop Giveaway

Yes, another post about Washi tape and how much I love it so. Funny thing is I probably photograph it as much as I use it. I'm not sure if it's the precise circles, the vast array of colors and patterns or just that they're so pretty to look at (all of the above really) but I love photographing and admiring my collection. It's strange, I know this. But I ask you to try it because it's fun and it's your collection. You know you admire it from a distance when it's not in use. Go ahead. Set up a little photo shoot and snap your washi collection. I'd love to see! Post your photos here, please? So I don't feel so abnormal? :) It is not a requirement for the giveaway though. Yes, a giveaway and a blog hop so after you post here for your chance to win a spot in Studio Calico's Washi Workshop class hosted by Creating Keepsakes Editor, Megan Hoeppner, be sure to hop to the list below to better your chances!

Maggie Holmes Sasha Farina Creating Keepsakes Studio Calico 

Good Luck!

A few more Washi photo ideas.

Seriously, I'm kidding about the teething toy. ;)

 (pssst..new print in the shop today!)

random bits

Hey.Yes, I am here...alive and well. Just not very blogative lately which is pretty obvious but I'm starting to get the itch so here we go. Random bits.

-I mentioned to Jeff last night that I'll actually get to call my own mother on mother's day and it feels good. Having been estranged from her for half my life, I'm embracing most parts of our mending relationship but I'm still cautious and keep expectations at bay.

-I'm happy with my own Mother's day ritual which is just having time to myself. I'm not a gift person. I'm happy with flowers + a few hours to myself. That's all I ask. I got my "gift" yesterday since my husband works Sundays. I spent the afternoon getting my nails done and taking photographs. Doing just those few simple rituals for myself renews my spirit. I also find it incredibly calming to sit in front of a sunlit window in a quiet room  styling objects and photographing them. As much as I enjoy photo sessions with my clients, it's styling and still lifes that I enjoy most.

(Hello-Paislee Press cards)

-I realized the other day that I'm now a bonafide SAHM. My thought process and routine has done a complete 180. Something made me realize this and I found it funny....I'm trying to remember. Oh well. Memory loss goes with the territory as well.

-I was asked if I was employed when filing out some paperwork at the hospital the other day and for a moment I had to stop and think about it. It was a weird feeling. Not in a bad way, just unfamiliar.

-I can recite every Fresh Beat Band song by heart. There are a lot of things I never thought Tyler would be into or like. It was hard to even fathom a little being running around the living room that was once unsuitable for toddler living. A fireplace made of jagged slate, open outlets, exposed wires, freely walking up the stairs without having to do an olympic hurdle over a baby gate. Furniture is now used as barriers. Blankets cover the bottom of the fireplace. Toys and books litter the floor. And now we watch Nick Jr and PBS rather than Food TV and ESPN. I wish I could say my child is not into tv but he is. He loves anything that dances and sings, especially the Fresh Beat Band. He laughs when things are funny, he dances and sways to the music and points to objects on the tv. We do our Yo Gabba Gabba dancie dances together and sing along to the music. I never in a million years imagined that I would have a son who was so into music. That makes me happy though. It reminds me of my own father who shared his love of music with me. I just hope Tyler will come to appreciate the good stuff when he's older like I did when my dad played the classics.

-Working on a several items for the shop. I keep saying I'm ready to update, then think of something new and hold off. I want to have a full shop with a variety of things. Not just a print or 2 so please be patient. I hope to have a complete shop update by mid-week. There will be 2 new 5x7 prints, a few stamps and a few mini prints that will be the size of PL cards. I won't be doing all the designs that are in the shop now so once they're gone, they're gone. I want to keep renewing ideas and product. I get bored very easily. I know everyone is doing stamps right now. I'm totally inviting myself to that party with a few designs that first started to be for myself but then I thought, why not offer them?

Well, have you? Yes? Great....you're in for a treat. No? Well then what are you waiting for? Go to the Studio Calico website, add it to your cart and mark your calendar for June 1st (that's when the workshop will start). There will be a ton of NEW inspiration on how to use our favorite sticky embellishment. Here's a peek at one of my projects.

-I didn't forget...here's the Brownie add on winner....

ok, well I almost forgot. Please email me by May 16th or I will be forced to choose another winner!

Dang, that was a hefty post. Makes me realize that I need to blog more often so it's not all random thoughts and photos. (shrugging shoulders)

Happy Mother's Day to all your lovely lovely ladies.

First Friday Artwalk

Hey guys!

Just few days away from my first art walk and I'm super excited (and nervous). I'd love if you came by to saw hello if you're in Anchorage!

I'll have several still life photographs for sale and I'm also running a special First Friday deal. Book your session for anytime this year with a deposit and receive 20% off print packages! This a great deal for Seniors portraits!

Hope to see your there,

Currents (and a digital layout)


Time: 8:58 pm Location: couch Eating: almond Snickers Drinking: water Watching: Smash (thank you On Demand...I forgot to record it) Listening: the birds chirping Loving: this exact moment Enjoying: the quiet and calm (everyones sleeping and it's bliss) Wanting: to not eat this candy bar but I simply cannot resist Needing: to check off more on my to do list Preparing: for my First Friday next week. My photography will be displayed at the Escape Salon located in downtown Anchorage for the entire month of May! Hoping: to get the summer booked full of senior sessions Thinking: I need some socks...the sun is setting and it's getting chilly! Making: screen prints. I had a bit of snag with a certain pattern but I promise, an update is coming soon.

Paislee Press has released a new kit, Hello There. This is the first time I've used a template and I'm really loving it. Doing a book like Liz's is on my 2012 "to make" list and after doing this layout, I'm ready to get started. Her kits make is so easy.

I've been making.

Guess I've been choosing to create and make rather than blog lately. I suppose I could do both like all other super bloggers out there but I just haven't been feeling it lately. So instead of forcing to write, I choose to make....and catch up on older seasons of Dexter. Here's a few sneaks of my layouts create with May's Studio Calico kit.

I had too much fun working with 35mm. The 2 add ons that appealed to me most were Holga and Leica. Also used the new mists Taxi which is by far my favorite yellow Mister Huey that has been released. And for the first time, I've used a pink Mister Huey, Boss Lady. I never thought I'd see the day. :)

I was asked to work on some Smash which I gladly excepted until I saw it in real life. This particular book is huge but I made it work thanks to Jamaica's suggestion on using it to store my magazine clippings. Genius! I have to say, I'm so thankful to have crafty friends to brainstorm with. I wouldn't get half the stuff I get done.

I'm pretty much misting Calico Shine on everything right now. It's an amazing color. Not quite silver but just enough metallic shine to make a nice tone on tone backdrop. I misted heavily on the cover to have it show more. Yet another reason why I love this color, you can spray a little or a lot with different results.

And my favorite page... Perfectly imperfect cuts of washi squares. Couldn't be more me.

Here's a glimpse of some other pages. This book won't be fully done until the end of the year. I want this to have all my clippings, ideas and sketches from 2012.

Here's a list of all supplies used: Pretty Pocket Smash Portfolio, Adhesive Smash Inserts, Swatch Smash Tape, Mister Huey's Calico Shine, Honey Bee scissors, vinyl stickers, letter stencils, washi tape, Silhouette, AC Precision Pen, ProGlide glue gun, Take Note Gray Strip FabRip, Abroad Filmstip FabRip, Abroad Map FabRip, Take Note Woodgrain FabRip.


Time: 9am Location: Kitchen Watching: Tyler eating his breakfast Listening: Sesame Street in the backgound Eating: Nothing Drinking: Coffee Reading: imessages from my ladies Needing: a few things for todays printing Wanting: a  vacation Crafting: Smash book + May SC kit Enjoying: the sun shining through the kitchen window Loving: that it's warm enough to wear flip flops


Today I chose to give away the Take Note Collection Pack. Leave a comment on this post and I'll choose a winner Thursday evening. Be sure to check out each SC dt member's blog to see what collection pack they're giving away!

Good Luck!



Much needed

I took a much needed break from my blog, my paper...most creative acts were put on hold. I've taken a few photographs but not as much I usually do. I didn't scrap or jot down notes. I just lived and it was nice. It's funny how living a creative life can become overwhelming at times. I knew that I was needed elsewhere and not held up in front of my computer or behind the lens or surrounded by mounds of patterned paper and embellishments. Tyler needed my attention and my family needed my attention. I needed my attention. Tyler is recovering like a champ. My aunt who is visiting from Vegas is out and about doing all the fun Alaska touristy things and I enjoyed my a 5 year old neice's mani pedi birthday party which really was one of the best birthday parties I've every attended.

I also turned 34.

That number seems bizarre. I don't feel 34 but then again, what in the hell is 34 suppose to feel like? Not sure but it seriously felt like any other day until I walked downstairs, tot in arms and saw the artwork that was made for me. Apparently Jeff and Tyler had some fun with finger paints the day before while I was out. Probably the best gift ever. (next to the nap I got to take on this past Saturday) I later had flowers delivered from a few good friends + Jeff came home from work with a couple dozen tulips (love) and an ice cream cake (double love). It was a pretty chill day....really couldn't have asked for anything more.

Now it's back to deadlines and schedules and creative goodness starting with Fat Mum Slim's April photo prompts. I saw it on a fellow Instagramer's stream and thought, humph...why not?

Let's go April!

Hey guys! Just taking a few days off to hang out with my Aunt who's visiting from Vegas. Be back soon to share some new things!

home has never been better

It feels so good to be home.. I know Tyler was relieved when all the wires and tubes were taken off his little body. He's doing really well. His strength amazes me because if I had the same surgery, I would be laying in bed right now feeling sorry for myself. I've mentioned this to several people already who have all agreed. It makes me thankful that we are doing this now and not later. If any of you reading this are curious about the specifics of his condition, it's called Vesicoureteral Reflux. It was severe, grade V. That is why surgery was needed. He'll have to go through additional testing but  our minds are more at ease now. Thank you all so much for thinking of us! And to our families for being there when we needed them. (+Words app, friendly night nurse + cheese and cracker plate)

Now I'm chomping at the bit to get some layouts and pl stuff done! I think being away from all my paper and supplies renewed my inspiration. I did manage a quick project for the Studio Calico blog before our hospital stay...

Take Note, Classic Calico and Abroad are now available in the Studio Calico shop! I'm so in love with the paper designs and the stamps. I haven't had a chance to play with any of the new wood veneer shapes but when I do, they'll probably be all over the place. Especially the little camera and people shapes.

Not much else to say here except happy friday!

Thoughts from a project life newb.

Starting Project Life has been an interesting journey. I remember being completely immersed in the idea of documenting everyday life by putting things in small pockets and making it all pretty. I had supplies gathered and told myself I would not buy anything special or add to my stash. I wouldn't make a mess and I would keep it simple. Then came January and I was like what the !@*& do I do with all this stuff I've collected? I wasn't into what I had done at all but I wasn't going to quit right off the bat. I like the idea of Project Life. It's quite genius really. I thought that maybe I was the one that was making this much more complicated than it is. I can't be the only one bogged down by this. I know I'm not actually. I know it sits on your desk, taunting you like mine does. Mine actually straight up bullies me. But after a good conversation with Jamaica about my PL woes, I knew that I had to just do it. (That's so damn cliche but true) You have to just dig in, start where ever you feel comfortable starting and make that PL your...you know what. Because really this thing, this beast of a scrapbook is going to be so worth it in the end. It really is. I can see having a collection of these and looking back 10 years from now. That makes it worth it.

So here a few random thoughts from a Project Life newb.

*You have to stay somewhat organized. I'm trying, I really am. I know that I want to keep specific PL things like 3x4 cards and date stamps in it's own area. I had purchased a big box to keep my album in but that idea quickly got out of hand.

*I'm starting to date photos after editing them. Also dating other items with post it notes. This has helped a lot. I found a big reason for not staying current is because I would forget dates and specifics.

*I also keep a desk calendar and write down a list of events. I also make note of any photos I'd taken.

*For me, having photos already printed is key. I scrap in my dining room and I have to bring my printer in from the garage, find an uncovered surface and plot out photos so I can get the most out expensive photograph paper. Half the time, I'm out of ink. So now I just do a big run at Costco. I get most everything printed on 4x6 sheets, even instagrams. I'm cheap, they're cheap. It's a win win for all.

*I've paired down the papers I want to use quite a bit. At first, I went through my whole paper stash and grabbed every paper from the last 5 years that I liked. Bad decision. I know I like neutrals, grays especially. The new Classic Calico and Take Note line from Studio Calico is my go to right now.

*I can take up to a dozen photos easily in a day. I tried to fit all of these photos in but I just can't. Then all my pages would be just photos and I didn't like that. So now I choose one specific photo that I thought summed up that day or if I didn't like the photo at all, I nixed it.

*Keeping it as simple as possible is the only way for me. I cannot be bogged down with too many choices. Here are the things that I'm keeping by my PL album.

Washi tape is a must/Smash date stamp/favorite letter stamps/SC journaling spots/Thickers/Hello Forever speech bubbles/post its/letterpress from jed/ Digital items I love for PL are Splendid Fiins 4x6 Halvsies + I just printed off a bunch of Paislee Press cards to have on hand.

And now for my PL pages so far. As you can see, there's still some bare spots and January is pretty much a fail but I'm going to try and salvage it.

Pretty much caught up. I want to make it a goal to not get too far behind like I did in the beginning. I also want to enjoy the process, not be bullied into it.

Happy weekend.


Have been dealing with no internet these past few days and I feel completely lost! but I'm back and catching up on emails. I'll have a better post for you too. :)


time: 9:28 pm location: couch watching: Bill Cunningham New York on Netfilx eating: nothing yet, wanting a snack drinking: diet root beer wanting: more space needing: more space loving: being inspired by Mr Cunningham creating: a poster for an Illustrator class thinking: of doing a film only project wondering: what's next?

Netfilx has this feature where they pick your favorites...what you would be interested in watching. I thought I'd turn on something as background noise while I got some work done on the laptop after the boy went to bed. I clicked on Bill Cunningham New York and saw the word photographer so naturally, I had to see what it was about. Funny that I've never heard of this man or seen his work.  It's not like I'm picking up a NY Times paper from the newstand on the daily. Needless to say, I got sucked in. I didn't open up my laptop but I did have my notebook open and jotted down a few notes and ideas. Even though I didn't get the work I wanted to get done (not like it was a deadline or anything) I got something more. Inspiration. Not the "oh I"m on Pinterest and feeling inspired". Like, really truly inspired.

Here's this old gentleman, riding his bike on the busy streets of NY with only his camera bag. He shoots film and he shoots fast. And he shoots and shoots and shoots. He doesn't stop. After all these years taking photographs, he still shoots. He worked in advertising and made hats. Served in the Army and wrote. He lives very modestly and smiles a lot. He loves the details of fashion.

I want that for myself. When I'm old and gray, I still want to have my camera ready at all times. I want to tell my grandchildren that I wore many hats. That I never settled just to make do. I want to be passionate for the details, for the moments, for creating pretty things out of paper and through the lens. Hopefully they'll see that through my scrapbooks, sketchbooks, photographs and my blog. (do you think our blogs will be around that long?) I never want to stop. NEVER.

The reasoning for all this is that I've been stuck in a winter blues/creative rut type of mood for a little over a week and I can't stand it. But today, the weather was beautiful and I took Tyler out to feed the ducks by library. The fresh air and sun was intoxicating. Spring will come. I know being buried by snow for almost 6 months has gotten to me, usually does this time of year. I'm glad this yucky feeling is wearing off.

Okay, think I'm ready for that snack.

night night,


I had the pleasure of photographing Miss Corina, an aspiring model. I couldn't get enough of those sparkly blue eyes and she was brave enough to take her coat off for a few quick shots in 15 degree weather. It was nice to do a session again. Winter is an extremely slow time for a natural light photographer. I wish more people would be open to shooting in the winter. I find the backdrop perfect with the snow acting as a natural refelctor. Guess the cold turns people off. :)

shop update

I've got a few sets in the shop right now! I thought I'd take a break from printing to actually put some sets up in the shop. Would help, right? Although I have this urge to hoard them when they look so pretty all stacked up on my table. I've also got some "mess up" packs for sale as well. Those would be fun to play around with...add some stamping/misting/whatevs.

Hope you all are having a lovely Sunday.

pin to action: lemon brownies

I love a good lemon dessert so when I spotted these on Pinterest, I had to give them a try. I was curious to see what made these different from lemon squares and how exactly lemon would fit into a brownie. Brownies, to me are always rich and chocolaty. These were somewhat light and the texture was very similar to a brownie texture which I found interesting and yummy. I also like that these were way simpler than the classic lemon square which entails making lemon curd (I could eat that by the spoonful). A few simple pantry ingredients and some lemons is all you'll need to whip up a batch of these brownies.

I couldn't resist tasting these as soon as they came out of the oven. They made the house smell soooo good.

You can find the recipe here.

random thoughts + snippets

*Remember when I wrote about (part of) the reasoning on leaving my job? How much better the rythem of our lives were when I was home on the weekends? Week 3 and things are really good. Establishing a routine, busy working on creative endeavors, a good balance of time spent with family. Perfect? No, not at all but good. There are still worries + toddler frustrations (is it possible for the terrible twos to come on early?) Problems just don't seem as amplified as they use to.

*I've limited time on Pinterest and Bloglovin'. Those were my biggest time suckers. Seriously, I'd jump on Pinterest and say to myself, "I'll just look on the first couple of passes on the screen and I'm done." An hour later....I'm left wondering what just happened. Like when you go to Target for a few things and walk out with bags and a lot less in your bank account. Target + Pinterest must be related.

*I spoke to my mom this week who mentioned they were filming a tv show in front of her store. Being Korean and speaking ok English, she says "Gdrimm? You know what that is? Actor very handsome but I don know who he is. He come in all the time." I'm thinking, cool..wonder what he buys? I should ask her next time. Not sure why I didn't think to ask her before. So now I'm watching GRIMM on demand.

*Also very into SMASH which is odd because I'm not a "musicals" person.

*Printed a bunch of stuff tonight while listening to Bon Iver. Love getting my hands all inked up and the sound the squeegee makes when I pull it across the screen. I cannot wait to update my shop.