a week of favorites continued. how many times can I type the word "blog".

wow, posting everyday is really hard and I have to give it up to those who do. I did blog yesterday but right when I was at the point of spell checking, my computer froze up. Everything was lost and I was not about to spend another 30 minutes typing.

First, I want to indulge a bit in my narcissism and direct you here.
I have to admit I'm a bit on the bashful side and usually like the spotlight directed as far away from me as possible but this totally made me shine. (I was going to strike that because I wonder how shy I can be if I blog about my life and take endless self portraits but I know there's a few of you who know me personally that can agree on this) I love taking photographs and opened my shop in hopes of making a few extra bucks. It's become so much more. I cannot express how happy it makes me to send some one their prints and hearing about how much they enjoyed them. That's really why I love doing this.

This leads me to list my favorite blogs at the moment. It's been good times ever since google reader and I hooked up. What makes a good blog? For me it's got to be witty, honest, clean in design, interesting and gosh darn it, I've got to be inspired. I can't say that I'm the best judge of character but I'd like to think that these blogs represent the blogger in the truest form. I'm also not naive in thinking that these bloggers could be the complete opposite of who he or she really is. Hell, I could be crazy cat lady or hiding bodies in my freezer. I kid. All these ramblings that sometimes don't make any sense, the moodiness...it's all me. I want to get a feel for who that blogger is when I'm reading their words or looking at the photos they've posted. I want to be entertained. I want to laugh out of loud and not just post LOL. These are the blogs I stalk.

The City Sage. I found Anne's blog while surfing around one night. I think it was her post on boy jeans that caught my attention. I feel her simple taste is similar to mine. I also read something about her move across country that really hit home.  

Creature Comforts.I find this blog exactly that. Comfort. It's beautifully designed and I'm never left uninspired.

Bliss. Mrs French is some one I follow on Flickr. She's a brilliant photographer who just announced a collaboration with Urban Outfitters. Like, woah.

A Cup Of Jo. Her blog is like a cup of joe, something I enjoy on the daily. Currently loving her gift guide posts.


Le Love. Who doesn't like seeing beautiful people in love?

Smosch.com. I new blog for me. I enjoyed her daily posts of New York City.

Sugarplums and Mistletoes. Sarah B's holiday blog. She's a kick ass crafter and an honest blogger to boot who has excellent taste in music. Here's her actual blog, Pieces of Work.

Sounds of Science. She's been to all the cities and she's rocked them all. No, I don't know if KC's been to every city but she's certainly rocks even after all the insanity that is the scrapbook industry.

I could go on and on but those blogs are on the one's I go to first. If any of you listed are reading this,
thanks for keeping up your great blog.

mm..Friday. Work day's just about over and I am so looking forward to the pedicure party I'm attending tonight. Foot rub + wine + girl talk = one happy girl.

Have a great weekend. Oh, almost forgot. I know I said I would be giving a way another print and those of your who posted through the week are entered to win. I just haven't gotten around to gathering names and responding to your lovely comments. It's on the top of my to do list for the weekend and I'm pretty sure they'll be more than one winner.

Take care!