I *heart* Friday.

Because they won the Stanley Cup.

freshley downloaded tuneskies-


and more importantly because it's the last day of the work week. holla.
any one watch So You Think You Can Dance? seriously, why did I never become a dancer? these chicks have such killer legs. It's ultra motivating. I've been hitting the treadmill everyday this week. I love the extra boost of energy I get from working out. Why it took me so long to jump on the health bandwagon is beyond me. I know it has a lot to do with me hittin' 30. Am I know a total health nut? No. Never. But atleast I'm on the track to a more positive lifestyle.
Today is my boss' 32 year anniversery with the company. I know, right? Nutso. I don't think I want to be with a company that long. After 7, I'm bored. Thinking of polishing up on my resume 'cause I'm tired of bitchin about my job and not doing anything about it.
I also had a not so lovely visit to my dentist for a cleaing and exam. The hygenist was brutal. She was killing me with that mini-cycel thing. She tells me to let her know if she hits a sweet spot. So when she does, I groan. I think I'm letting her know so she can back off on that spot but she does the opposite and works it and works it and works. oh man, I can take some pain but I was totally squirming in that chair. I'm so glad that only happens twice a year. oy.
Feeling very much uninspired with anything lately, especially photo taking. That bums me out the most. If I don't scrap or journal for awhile, fine but when I can't find anything special through the lense, that's a let down. I still haven't purchased film for my Diana+ because I'm spending my savings on gas and food. Sheesh. Let's not even go there with gas prices. I'm thankful for my little civic but even that's getting expensive to fill up. Still would like to venture out this weekend with my camera and just shoot. 

Oh and D, sorry girl

Enjoy your weekend folks! 