Stretch Your Kit winner!

Kelly Submitted on 2012/01/17 at 9:17 pm i open my kit the very second it is in my hands. thanks, tina, for the chance to win.

Please email me at by Friday Kelly!

Thanks for playing was interesting to read whether you dive right into your kits once they arrive or you let them hang out. For me, it just depends on what kind of mood I'm in at the time. These past few months, I've been anxious to create so I tear into mine asap, especially when I get them right before the weekend. Here's a a sneak from Stepping Stone... This one is my favorite add on for February. The yellow, the sparkle and those stamps...oh those stamps. They just made my top 5 all time favorite SC stamp.

New Dare should be up shortly. Can you believe who's joining us again. After 5 years, Meghan's back in full force. Make sure you stop by the blog and give her a warm welcome. (sidenote: seeing that photo of me makes me think one thing. Damn I'm pale. guess I should look into getting some self tanner.)
