quiet time.

20101223_8253blolast year I started the tradition of making PW's cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning. Not sure what I'm doing wrong but they never turn out very pretty hence no photo of the finished product. They were yummy though.  
20101223_8258blogThe boy is down for his afternoon nap & this mom is ready for some quiet time, The house is perfumed with the scent of cinnamon. Laundry is folded.  SC assignments are done. I grab my camera for a few random shots.
20101223_8256blog My mantle is cluttered with holiday cards. I love mail this time of year. 
20101223_8254logOur undecorated tree. We decided to go the natural route this year.Sugar Cookies The view from our bedroom...it's been so COLD these past few weeks.

20101220_8244 my favorite miniature wood santa. 
