I don't know what's worse.
The neighbor who mows his lawn at 11 p.m. or the one who snowblows their driveway at 6 am.
I knew it was snowing but we couldn't have gotten more than an inch.
Why this guy felt the need to snowblow that early is beyond me and extremely inconsiderate.
45 minutes before my alarm goes off, I'm awaken by the sound of a loud motor and the scraping of a shovel.
I ponder going back to sleep or just waking up.
I can't go back to sleep.
I lie there, my mind flooded with so many thoughts.
Thoughts that have been pestering me for the past few weeks.
Thoughts that I care not to discuss here.
Let's just say they involve finances, current career as desk jockey, following a dream and a shopping list.
All I know for sure is that I need to be proactive in every aspect of life right now.
That's truly the only way I'm going to accomplish anything.
Truthfully, I always expected for things to work itself out, for situations to just fall into place.
Is that me being laid back or just pure laziness?
I dunno.
One thing that I do know...the thing that is more solid than anything right now is that I love being a mom to a happy, cute, snuggly baby.
He's my light.
Cheesy, I know but I have no other way to explain it.
I rush home, wash my hands, get out of my work clothes, grab my guy and hug him as tightly as I can.
He hugs back and nestles his head in my nook.
I drink in his sweet baby smell and am overcome with relief and happiness.
He hasn't forgotten me.
That was my fear when I went back to work.
But we've established our bond and it's as tight as my skinny jeans. Even more so.
He's my guy.
He's my heart.

Mommyhood collage 