
I've been feeling sorry for myself these past few days. We've all gotten a nasty cold but for some reason, mine is clinging on longer which SUCKS. I will say that the only good thing about getting sick is the burst of energy you get afterwards. I'm still waiting for that to happen. My nose is so raw, it feels like it has it's own heartbeat.

This has put a big damper on my crafty doings + everyday life. My projects are starting to pile up + new shop items have been put on hold while I get other work done. Maybe my body is trying to tell me to slow down for a bit. I've been going a million miles an hour since the New Year which I don't see as a bad thing but I didn't factor taking better care of myself as a resolution. My diet is awful, it definitely lacks nutrients. Not that we're eating fast food but I think we could do with more veg.

Ok, this is totally random and too much boohooing. I'll share more interesting things with you.

I was kindly asked to create a few layouts for Elle's Studio. She's debuted her new line of supplies this past CHA which is awesome. I remember Elle's Studio when it was just starting out. I love seeing how successful her growing company has been.

My favorite from then collection are the Bits + Pieces and journalling cards. The fact that they're printed on smooth, writable card stock is a huge win. I like using my Micorn or AC felt pens and it drives me nuts when companies use slick paper on journaling spots. I'm so prone to accidents, I'm constantly smudging my writing.

Back to blowing my nose every other minute. Happy Monday! XOT

TGI...go to sleep!!

I am currently listening to my toddler jumping up and down in his crib yelling "mom, mom, mom". He's always been so good about bedtime until his second birthday. I really shouldn't complain because this only happens a handful a times a month. I should be so lucky. He just seems to pick the nights when I have several things I need to scratch off my to do list before I hit the sack. #workfromhomemomproblems.

It's good. I'm just venting to whoever will listen. I know some of you moms feel me on this.

SO. Here are some of my February Studio Calico sneaks. I'm loving the kit overall. I'm in this weird "block everything in the center of the page" moment in my scrabooking.

I can't seem to leave a wood veneer anything off a page. : )

sidenote.....the boy is finally settling down. *sigh

Ok, I'd love to know. Those who have a bonified winter. I'm talking snow, dark, COLD. What do you do to beat the winter blahs? Do you treat yourself to anything special? Or just full on embrace all that winter throws at you?

I'm just curious as to what others might do. I keep it half and half. I'm ok with winter. We're not best friends but we're cordial. There are some days that just get to me though. On the plus side, we are gaining daylight! I noticed it today a little after 4pm. L O V E  THAT.

Happy Weekend! XOT

make it work

I bit the bullet and purchased a Cameo a few weeks ago and I have to admit I was regretful at first. It sat on my counter top for a good week before I even plugged it in. I thought to myself, "did I just buy this because everyone's talking about it?" I read tons of reviews on this. How awesome it was. How much you could do with it. I already own a Slice which I never use. Why do I NEED this? So here I was with SC's January kit staring at me. What to do, what to do. I finally took all the styrofoam bits out of it, skimmed the instruction manual and purchased a few dies through their online store. We (me, Jeff and Tyler) gathered around after inserting a 12x12 sheet of patterned paper. (The Denim Crate paper in the Ring Toss add on to be exact.) Tyler was startled by the noise at first but we all ooo'd and aahh'd watching it cut. Pretty cool seeing this machine at work. And then it's done. Being impatient and not realizing just how sticky the blue mat was, I forcefully pulled up the paper only to rip one my of cuts. Ooops. Newbie mistake. So I gingerly unstuck the rest of my die cuts, laid them all out and stared at them admiringly. I take back any regretful feelings I had before. This machine is really really cool and it will change the way I use a kit for sure. I will no longer put aside papers I never thought twice about before. (like said Denim paper) Is it worth the money? My honest answer..yes, it is. (this coming from a girl who fears big purchases and is a bit on the thrifty side) It's built really well and more importantly, it cuts like butter. I'm able to utilize a full sheet of 12x12 paper now or maybe just a smidgen of it. My only complaint is the tackiness of the blue mat and what it does to the rest of my paper. But again, that's a very minor complaint.  Overall, I give it 5 stars. The online shop makes it that much cooler. I think I may have Cameo'd on almost all of my layouts. I will be getting some great use out of my new machine.

Ready for the giveaway I talked about?
I've got one free spot for the first ever Studio Calico class!

Class starts January 1st! Post your comment here and I'll choose a winner on Friday!

make it work.

 There's always that one item in a kit that I like but don't know how to use. Sometimes I dismiss it, most times I make it work for me. Deconstructing embellishments is something I enjoy, especially flowers. It's easy to to snip a few petals and make something completely different. Another technique I'm loving is the effortless ink drops. Just unscrew the cap from your Mister Huey, tap off excess ink and fling onto paper.  Again, I'm making it work. Atmosphere was a hard color to work with....I don't do well with darker shades. Now, it's made it into my go to Misters that I keep in my faves box. Here are the other layouts I did with rest of November kit + ad ons. Cutterbees where my workhorse this month. I don't know what I'd do without them.


ps. If you'd like to pin my layouts individually, please visit my Studio Calico gallery. :)


girl loves friday

As promised, finally after weeks and weeks of's how I add the faux stitching or dotted lines on my layouts:

Simple, right? I love it. Especially because my sewing machine is placed on the dining room table surround by fabric. I guess I'm too lazy to walk downstairs and sew on my layouts now.  That and I scrap when Tyler naps so I'm usually tip-toeing around the house during that time. The sound of a sewing machine would surely rouse my sleeping boy.

This technique was something I picked up from a rubber stamp artist many years ago who created her own beautifully hand stamped faux postage. She used the tracing wheel to add the look of perforated holes. I did recently come upon this technique on Pinterest...I think another scrapbook site had a tutorial on it, can't remember. Not at all claiming this to be my technique but I'm owning it, that's for sure. Perfect way to add lines for journaling and faux stitching of course. I like adding random lines of dots to create another element of design on paper like the photo above.

So that's it. Sorry to keep you suspense! I promise it wasn't on purpose. I have a goal of one day doing an actual video tutorial but it's a little hard to maneuver my camera and show said technique and explain what I'm doing eloquently. Plus I sound all nasaly and I immediately get in my sweats, messy bun, and glasses when I get home. Not a pretty sight

Happy Friday, xot.


Did you snag the add ons you wanted? I heard through the grapevine that #4 sold out in a blink of an eye. I didn't get a chance to complete my mini...sometimes I think being overwhelmed with inspiration sort of kills it for me. But my creativity revamps after the reveal. I love seeing what the other ladies did with their kits. We also had a special assignment of pulling an idea from the Studio Calico Pinterest board which was really fun. Another form of pin to action. :) Here are my layouts:

Love the scripty font of the AC thickers in the Greenhouse add on. My "main kit" only layout. It was a refreshing change to use only the main. This Sass/SC exclusive paper is so pretty. And the arrow stamp is by far my favorite. Of course I say that now. :)I adore this photo of Tyler and I'm glad I finally scrapped it.

Another paper love.

And then there was my Pinterest inspo project. Did you catch that when checking out the dt gallery? Here is my original Pinterest inspiration pin from the SC inspo board.

I wanted to do something other than a layout + I needed some artwork for my work/play room. Here's my interpretation:

And then there was a digi. Here's my layout for Photobooth.

Bedtime for this tired mama. xot.

Boardwalk Giveaway.

for reals.another giveaway. this time it's for the current kit, Boardwalk.


My favorite part of this kit is the stamp. I love the vintage look . I also mixed in some other Studio Calico items from Statefair and the new Hero Arts stamp set, Silhouettes. A few other products I used...

This is a great adhesive tool and I'm so happy it's now available in the shop.

And then this little guy who can't seem to stay out from underneath my desk or my Grandmother's vintage aprons I had folded neatly on a chair. Boy, does he love to unfold a stack of laundry.

Here are the details. Please read carefully! I will choose a random winner on Sunday night and post it here on Monday. Please, please, please be sure to come back to see if you have been chosen. If I do not hear back from the winner by Wednesday, I will choose another person. Sound good? Leave me a comment on this blog post....tell me what one scrap item you cannot create without. Thanks and good luck! xot.

this + that giveaway

  This & That. 

Haven’t scrapbooked in awhile? Feeling uninspired with your current supplies and same old photos? Want to try scrap booking or art journaling but don’t where to start? This & That is a three week online class jam-packed with challenges, journaling prompts, and techniques designed to get you scrapbooking again. Mix and match and use this and that to create thirty plus pages! Choose one journaling prompt and one technique idea from the pool and combining ideas to get excited about creating again.

Price: $35 USD

Dates: August 15th-September 2nd


  • Access to private blog
  • 30 journaling prompts
  • 30 technique prompts and ideas
  • Tutorial for creating vintage handkerchief albums
  • Printable embellishment sheet
  • 2 instructor videos
  • Email access to Kara
  • Giveaways!
  • PDF of the entirety of the class
Want a chance to win a spot in Kara's class? Here's a comment here. I want to know how you gear up for the Fall season whether it's buying a new pair of boots (on my list) or buying school supplies. Let me know and I'll choose a winner Sunday afternoon.
Here's what I'm working on with the prompts I chose...
Happy Saturday! xot.


Yes, the Zing bandwagon. I fought it for awhile. It reminded too much of my "emboss everything" days as a rubberstamper. I have inhaled a fair amount of fumes that come off the powder after heating it with a gun. I love watching that moment where the tiny particulars all melt together to form one big blob of embossed goodness. I'm finding it cool again. xot.

Versamark Zap Zing: Black Opaque Zing: Leaf

girl looooooooves friday.

This has already been the best weekend so far.I took a personal day off just because. The clouds finally cleared and the weather is amazing. The boy and I set out early to visit my coworkers and see where mommy spends part of her day. Then headed downtown to purchase some Toms for Tyler's fat little baby feet. Mommy also found the maxi dress she's been wanting. Met up with Tyler's cousin and Auntie for the most delicious chicken saugage hot dog. The sun felt so good while we sat outside and enjoyed our lunch. New opportunities and a huge life change is in the horizon. More on that later. No, I'm not pregnant again...let's not go there. ;) I'm excited about celebrating my first Mother's Day with my son and husband. It's funny...I'm more excited about this than my past birthday. AND tomorrow is National Scrapbook Day! Could not ask for a better weekend and it's only just begun.

Paislee Press is having an awesome sale and a new release that I'm loving at the moment.

Studio Calico is hosting a plethora of challenges and give aways. I'd love for you to play along with my paint challenge!

Cheers to a wonderful weekend! xot.


listening: Kesha mix on Pandora. I'm really feeling pop music lately which is really out of the norm for me. eating: Emerald cocoa roasted almonds. Love these little gems. drinking: water. wearing: nothing special. jeans, black top, black flats. feeling: neutral. weather: dark and gloomy but the rain is needed. needing: shoes.  feeling these. enjoying: the photo Jeff just sent me of the little dude. wondering: what a G6 is. I feel old.

NSD is in full effect at Studio Calico. Join us this weekend for challenges, chats and tons of special give aways. Above is a little preview of my challenge. FYI, get out your paints. :)

The Dares should be up shortly with a cool prompt for your creating pleasure. Here's mine:

Happy Wednesday! xot

PS...can you all do me a favor when you post a comment? I noticed a lot of you don't include your own blog and I like to visit after reading your lovely comment. Thank you!

last minute sneaks.

May kits go live tonight! This month was so fun. I kid you not...the above 3 layouts were created in one day. This is why I love Studio Calico so much. It makes creating layouts so convenient and fun. The first image is from the main kit, Lawn Party. The second was made from the Clear Skies add on and the third is from Paper Lanterns.

Other items used that you may want to add to your cart tonight: AC pen in black. I stock up on these. Mister Huey in Warm Calico. I'm just about out of this awesome shade of gray. AC tape runner. I prefer the strips.


Blog Hop

In celebration of Studio Calico's new line, Documentary, each dt member is giving away the entire collection on their blogs.
To enter, hop to each blog, and leave a comment. Then hop back to the Studio Calico blog for another chance to win.
I want to know what your simple summer joy is right this very moment.
Today it was the sweet smell of nectarines I have on my kitchen counter.
I had the pleasure of working with Documentary over the long weekend.
My personal faves?
I'm a fan of the stickers, FabRips and the Polaroid rub-ons. You can find the entire line at Two Peas.

Next stop?
My sweet friend, Waleska Neris.
Don't forget to the Studio Calico blog as well.